One of our core beliefs at Gohar World is the value in taking your time.
Time is never more valuable than when we host friends or family for a meal. The time it takes to shop for food is a big part of hosting … Shopping at Union Square Market is an essential in Gohar World, and brings a whole community of growers and producers into the hosting process. What each vendor has available tells a whole story in itself: what time of year it is, what the weather has been like, what we have to look forward to, and what we need to make the most of while it lasts.
This week we are putting the spotlight on five of our favorite vendors at Union Square, with highlights from Laila. Take note, grab your baguette bag, and we’ll see you there on Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. Although our favorite day is Wednesday!
North and West sides of Union Square Park
8 am - 6 pm (the earlier the better - things really wind down after 2 pm or so…)

Willow Wisp always has the most beautiful things, and some of the best produce: right now that means puntarelle [Laila’s favorite], really good parsley, and the best Japanese turnips of the market [Yukimi approved].
Norwich Meadows Farm is in the city Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays, and is run by a couple whose farm is about five hours North of New York. They are from Palestine and Jordan respectively, and one of the things they do is support and acquire Visas for Egyptian farmers to come over and work with them.
In Egypt, a lot of ancient agricultural systems are still used that have been in practice for centuries but are very progressive — the ability to work without using a lot of water, for example. Zaig, the co-owner of Norwich, is bringing those practices here in a way by working with Egyptians who use them on the farm.
Amoon is the best place to go for shelling beans, greens, and flowers too. They are there Wednesdays and Fridays, and have a new owner as of recently who is Egyptian also — you might know them by their previous name, which was Berried Treasure Farm.
The radicchio from Campo Rosso is something to look forward to all year. It’s such a particular season and they always have the best of the bunch, which are starting to appear now for their short season. They aren’t at Union Square all year, and are only set up Fridays when they are there, so it’s special when they return. They have also had great Jimmy Nardellos peppers this year.
It’s always a major day when Rick, the farmer at Mountain Sweet Berry Farm, starts making popsicles in summer. Our favorite is the strawberry although this year he started getting experimental with a pickled cucumber flavor which we also liked. Mountain Berry is at the market year-round and has some of the best strawberries, sucrine lettuce, and potatoes. And potato chips!
Bear Creek Farm is a bonus, but it’s dahlia season so they couldn’t not be included. They have dahlia’s the size of your head and one that looks like a creamsicle. Very psychedelic, and not to be missed while they last.